Are you looking for ways to spark your creativity and solve problems more effectively? Sometimes, all it takes is changing your environment to get into a creative flow state and let your thoughts flow freely. In this article, we’ll explore three environments and tactics that can help you unleash your creative potential and enhance your problem-solving abilities.

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Getting Into a Creative Flow State
I was lost in thought about my next art piece while taking a shower the other day.
Completely absorbed in a creative flow state, I started imagining the colour scheme and how the paints would blend. I pictured the paintbrush making strokes on the canvas to reveal some type of abstract flower, I hadn’t decided which variety yet.
As I was considering the painting’s composition in my mind’s eye, something horrific caught the view of my actual eyes, bringing reality quickly back into sharp focus.
There, in the top corner of the shower, was a spider. Full stop.
It wasn’t too big (it wasn’t small either!), and it wasn’t venomous (does it have to be?). It was just the typical house spider we have here in southern Ontario. It was by no means harmful to me in any way. But there was a spider with me IN THE SHOWER. I was in a vulnerable position (naked!) with no weapons handy (the vacuum) so it had one up on me. While I wasn’t afraid, it effectively killed my creative flow state.
From that moment on, I could think of nothing other than my new friend casually hanging out less than a metre from my head.
I know what some of you may be thinking. No, I didn’t run from the shower screaming. Nor did I burn it down. I’m not scared of spiders; I just don’t like them. So, I continued, with my thoughts now entirely preoccupied with her whereabouts at every moment. (She never moved).
All that to say, here are the best places to stimulate creativity, whether to solve problems or encourage artistic expression.
Three Creative Environments and Tactics to Boost Problem-Solving and Innovation
1. In the shower

I usually do my best thinking in the shower; don’t we all?
Of course, there’s the classic problem-solving brainstorm that goes on, I also use the time to visualize a new painting or think up a new blog article.
The environment helps induce a flow state – with the warm (in my case scalding hot) water, lack of distractions (er, sometimes – I have a couple of young children), and monotonous tasks involved in showering.
Next time you hop in to soap up, use the time to think creatively. Check for spiders first.
Suggestions to make the most of this creative environment and cultivate your problem-solving skills:
- Create a shower playlist of calming or inspiring music to help shift your mood and stimulate creative thinking.
- Practice mindfulness techniques to clear your mind. Focus on the sensation of the water, the sound it makes, and the feeling of relaxation it brings.
- Use a waterproof notepad to capture ideas while you’re in there.
2. In nature

I always feel most at peace in nature which helps calm my mind and open myself up to different ideas or perspectives.
Go for a hike, sit under a tree (check for spiders), or stroll through a garden.
For best results immerse yourself in nature completely. If you must stay in your own yard, I recommend wearing headphones to tune out the loud neighbourhood kids, or your own.
Suggestions to make the most of this creative environment and cultivate your problem-solving skills:
- Close your eyes and engage your other senses.
- Bring a notebook or sketchpad to jot down observations, sketch interesting plants or animals, or write down creative thoughts or ideas you think up.
- Take photos of interesting things you find, textures or patterns of stones, plant leaves, tree bark, or whatever intrigues you. Look at the pictures you took later to help spark creativity and inspire new projects or ideas.
3. At an art gallery or museum – or somewhere with an art vibe

Looking at art evokes emotion and thought which can fuel creativity.
You don’t have to go to an art gallery – anywhere with an artistic vibe or art scene will work. This could be a cool café showcasing local artists’ art, a local arts and crafts show, an antique store, or outside a building with a beautiful mural painted across it.
You could also look up art photos on your phone, but something about seeing art in person makes you feel it differently and more greatly than seeing it on a screen.
Suggestions to make the most of this creative environment and cultivate your problem-solving skills:
- Take your time viewing artwork and reflect on how the pieces make you feel and what thoughts or ideas they inspire.
- Bring a sketchbook and pencils and spend time sketching your favourite pieces of artwork to help you appreciate the art on a deeper level, possibly inspiring your own creative projects.
- Attend a workshop or lecture, participate in interactive exhibits or activities offered, or talk to the curator or gallery staff about the stories behind the paintings or techniques used.
Cultivating the Optimal Setting for Unleashing Your Creative Potential
Creativity and problem-solving go hand in hand.
Finding the right environment to stimulate your mind can make all the difference. Whether it’s in the shower, nature, or an artistic atmosphere, take the time to find a place that works for you.
Set aside dedicated “creative time” in your schedule. Whether it’s painting, writing, or something else entirely, give yourself permission to focus solely on your creativity. This can lead to some amazing ideas and breakthroughs.
Just try to avoid interruptions and check for spiders first.
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